Article published by : Chloe Zimmer on Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Category : Fashion

Tips for Starting a Career in Fashion Merchandise Marketing

If you dream of starting a career in fashion industry, but do not possess an ability to create design, you can choose the field of merchandise marketing. Let us take a look at some useful tips on how to start a career in this area of fashion industry.
First of all, a good merchandise marketing pro needs two things. Those are adequate education and sale experience. A merchandiser has to know how to sell stuff. They you also need to know the fashion history and always know the latest fashion trends. Plus, you have to be able to predict the future fashion trends and make the most sales.

So, as you may see, fashion merchandise marketing education should not be limited to marketing alone. It’s a good idea to earn your degree from a reputable fashion school. This would give you a quick start of your career. And, of course, you should be passionate about fashion. You should enjoy reading all the fashion magazines and stay tuned.

You may even try and master some fashion design to help you out in your merchandise marketing career. But still merchandise marketing is about making sales. So, it’s a good idea to get a job at some retail or wholesale clothing, shoes or accessories store. This way, you can see how things work and get a clearer idea of what people are looking for and how to sell things to them.

In fact, you may get a part time job in sales while you study to earn your degree in fashion merchandise marketing. This could help you to pay for your education and gain the experience you need at the same time.

Now, one of the employment possibilities in the field of merchandise marketing is buying. You may become a buyer for a boutique or a fashion shop. This means you get to do lots of shopping and possibly some traveling, too. Of course, you need to know all the trends and learn what people are looking for to make the best purchases for the fashion boutique.

It seems like all the possible employment routes in merchandise marketing are pretty exciting for someone, who loves fashion and shopping. Hopefully, this information would help you to get headed in the right direction to start your career and make your dream come true. Do not waste time and start looking for a good merchandise marketing or fashion school.


Keywords: merchandise marketing education

By: Chloe Zimmer

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