Submission Guidelines

  • Submitted articles must be your own work - You may not submit articles written by other authors.
  • You must be the copyright holder for each submitted article. Articles written by a ghost writer are acceptable provided you retain copyright and they are unique.
  • Your article content must be unique. No rebranded articles are allowed.
  • Your article must contain useful information and is longer than 300 words and maximum 2000 words.
  • Your article must have a blank line between paragraphs, be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors.
  • You must select the correct category. Articles with incorrect category may be deleted.
  • We do not accept articles discussing pornography or sex, or any articles linking to websites that contain pornography or sex material.
  • We do not accept articles that contain HTML paragraph markers or Line Break markers.
  • We accept up to 3 keyword hyperlinks in the article body.
  • We do not accept affiliate hyperlinks. Use a redirect page for your affiliate recommendations.
  • All submitted articles must not contain direct affiliate links or blatant advertising. However, it is acceptable to mention resource URL's of helpful sites or your own website which redirects to the recommended affiliate product.
  • We do not accept articles from article generator software.
  • We do not accept articles that promote racism, hate sites, pornography, sex
  • By submitting your articles, you grant us the right to publish your articles - We may publish your article anywhere on our website, blog, or syndicated through RSS Feeds. We may also change the article's location or category as we see fit.
  • By submitting your articles, you grant others the right to republish your articles - Other JumpArticles users have the right to publish your submissions on their websites, newsletters, magazines, or ezines. Provided the article is left in the original state, which includes the resource box which provides you credit as content author.
  • We have no control on where your article may be published by third party publishers. It is your responsiblity to request that the third party remove your article if you are not satisfied with the usage of your article.
  • We may insert comments/analysis at the foot of your article as we see fit.
  • Article submissions do not entitle you to financial remuneration of any kind - You will not receive any monies for articles you submit.
  • Article submission does not guarantee inclusion - We reserve the right to reject submissions for any reason. It is at the discretion of our editorial team as to which articles are published and for how long.
  • We reserve the right to edit your articles to conform with our submission/editorial guidelines, and to re-classify your articles in the category we deem appropriate.
  • Articles must be checked for spelling and proof read for grammatical errors prior to submission. We check all article submissions and we will reject content that fails to meet this requirement.
  • Basic HTML tags are not allowed
  • We reserve the right to remove any published articles at any time without any reason or prior notice whatsoever.
  • If you are in breach of any of our Author terms of service, we reserve the right to remove your membership of the site along with any content you have added.
  • We reserve the right to include advertisements on the same page as any submitted articles.
  • By using this site, you also agree to our Author Terms of Service.