Article published by : wallacekey on Monday, July 29, 2013

Category : Games

Final Fantasy: Rebirth Of The Environment, First Published Dungeons Demo

Square Enix has just recently released a nine-minute "Final Fantasy 14: Rebirth of the environment" Dungeon demo video, please enjoy: The game story of the past because of the competing countries, the occurrence of blood-stained history of Ecorse war on, in spite of because Ecorse is considered the land of the gods beloved, still attracted many adventurers, mainly because there are considered here "crystal", players will be in place to start a new adventure.

Square Enix has just recently released a nine-minute "Final Fantasy 14: Rebirth of the environment" Dungeon demo video, please enjoy:

Game story described in the past as countries compete with each other, the occurrence of blood-stained history of Ecorse the war, however, is considered to be due Ecorse beloved land of the gods, still attracted many adventurers, mainly because they were considered here there is "crystal", players will be in place to start a new adventure.

Last weekend, the Squars Enix's Final Fantasy series developed new "Final Fantasy 13-2: Thunder return" demo will be held in Japan, including North Lai Jia Fan and Birds Hill seeking game developers, including cheapest ffxi gil 11 people participated in the trial will be, but some media questions answered. In the Q & A session, when asked about the game world, the game master planning requirements Toriyama said: "We want to show a very huge for the players, but also full of wild freedom of the world, our goal is to go beyond the" Elder Scrolls 5 "from the currently have the resources point of view, this is not an easy task, but this is the ultimate fantasy, when you ride a chocobo traveled the world, and you will certainly ffxi gil for sale amazed at its huge. "he said, adding said: "Although this is a huge free world, but only one ultimate goal, you can choose a different path to achieve it."

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By: wallacekey

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