Article published by : Terro Naruka on Saturday, July 20, 2013

Category : Men's Issues

How To Increase Blood Flow To The Penis Naturally To Get Harder Erections

If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction or even low libido problems then chances are that the main reason behind all these problems in the poor circulation of blood inside your body especially in the penile area. This is one of the most common reasons for such problems and in this article, we are going to look at a few remedies for improving blood circulation in the body and also help men get longer, harder erections safely and naturally.

When a man gets aroused sexually, his heart starts to beat faster and the excess blood produced flows to the male reproductive organ. Nitric oxide is secreted at this time as well which helps relax the blood vessels and widens them enough to let all the increased blood enter. This is what causes an erection in men. This means that if your body isn't secreting sufficient nitric oxide, you'll find it difficult to get hard erections in the bedroom and at later stages this may also lead to impotence. But even in such situations, there is still hope. You can try herbal supplements like bluze capsules and herbal oils like mast mood oil for getting rid of your erectile problems. Unlike artificial supplements these capsules are safe to consume and have no harmful side effects.

Also, they contain natural ingredients like the ones mentioned below and help with a variety of problems in men including, premature ejaculation, low libido, impotence, low stamina, etc. So, without further ado, here is a list of some of the best herbs when it comes to curing erectile dysfunction:

1. Kaunch (Mucuna Pruriens): This is a great herbal source of essentials minerals for the human body. It is used by a lot of men for improving their performance in the bedroom and helps in increasing sperm count, motility, strength as well as stamina.

2. Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera): This is a very important herb when it comes to curing sexual problems in men. It helps in improving blood circulation, improves mental capacities, increases energy and strength, suppresses pain, etc. It is also known to have the ability to work as an aphrodisiac which means it can help increase male libido as well. It also helps increase sperm count and motility rate in men.

3. Shilajit (Asphaltum Puniabiunum): This is a rich herbo-mineral compound which is known for increasing energy in the body manifold and improving the body's ability to absorb minerals and vitamins. It is also known for its anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It is a great herb for treating low sperm count, strength, stamina, etc. It is also used widely as an immunity booster and can help treat other disorders including stress, depression, diabetes, arthritis, etc.

4. Safed Musli (Asparagus Adscendens): This herb is primarily known for it rejuvenating properties. But it can also help increase energy, strength, etc. It can increase sperm count and is a great natural supplement for impotence, erectile dysfunction, etc. It is even known as an effective remedy for spermatorrhoea, low libido and poor ejaculation.


Keywords: how to increase blood flow to penis naturally, increase blood flow to penis naturally, increase blood flow to penis

By: Terro Naruka

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